Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Q: What do you call it if a batsman was involved in a car accident?
A: An off-drive :D

Courtesy: Cricinfo - See comments!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Q: How do we know that Karl Marx was a failure in school?
A: Because he got only "கால் (quarter) marks".

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Q: If a chicken is killed for eating it, what would you call this act?
A: "Thulpable Homicide" - via Kmap

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Q: How will you generate electric power from dosa maavu?
A: Add a fly to it. It will become 'batter''ee' (battery) :D

Q: A horse used in a north-Indian wedding started running. No one was able to stop it. Why?
A: Because every one started shouting "Goda Goda". The horse assumed that they were asking it to go away and ran even faster. :D

Monday, December 06, 2010

Q: Why did Adolf Hitler get hit on his head by a cricket ball?
A: Because he did Nazi the ball :D - Source unknown

(PS: See the pronunciation of Nazi here )

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Q: Which 2 states in the US are in the ratio of 1:2?
A: Arkansas and Kansas - via Akarsh

Q: Why is an octagon mired in difficulties?
A: Because it is 'entangled' :D

(Requires Kannada fundaes)

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Q: In Bose institute in Calcutta cyclotrons do not work. Why?
F=V x B; In Bengali, v is told as b. So, here F= B X B = 0. So, cyclotrons don't work - via Reghu (TI)

Q: A plane took off from Warsaw and mid-air started wobbling heavily due to turbulence. All people moved to the left half side and it became stable again. Why ?
A: Because the "Poles moved to the left half plane" :D - Source unknown.

Q: If the (old) Agra has the Taj Mahal, what does the new Agra have?
A: The Niagara falls. - via mokkaiclub_iitm