Q: Which state's people do a lot of drama?
A KaDi a Day
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Q: Why does California have a shortage of doctors?
A: Because it has the Apple headquarters (An apple a day keeps the doctor away) :D - via IITM Mokkai Club
Monday, June 27, 2011
Q: There is one street in Chennai on which people can stay only for a year. Which one?
A: Vanniyar St. - via Ramasubramanian
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Q: A girl tries to flirt with a guy but he doesn't react. Why?
A: Because 'He' is inert :D - via IITM Mokkai Club
Q: What will magnetite reply to Iron if Iron asks it "who are you"?
A: Teri Ore, Teri Ore, Teri Ore :D - via IITM Mokkai Club
Monday, June 20, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Q: Which is the most dangerous FM Radio channel in Bangalore?
A: 90.4MHz, because it is Radio Active :D
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Q: What is the scientific name of Sodium?
A: Shah Rukh Khan - because he said "Main Hoon 'Na'" - via IITM Mokkai Club
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Q: What are the second and third generations of Nano cars called?
A: Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate? - via mokkaiclub_iitm
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Q: There is no point in looking for money lost. Why?
A: Because it is a lost kaas (cause) :D - via IITM Mokkai Club
Q: A friend of mine once asked me where he can get alcohol. Idiot went to Spain. Why?
A: Because I told him 'Bar se lona' - via IITM Mokkai Club
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Q: Which sport doesn't require any sort of preparation?
A: Running race - Because it always starts from the scratch :D - via IITM Mokkai Club
Q:Why is it hard to comprehend the discussion between two professors ?
A: Because they form a paradox (pair o' docs)